Hello there fellow dreamers.
Thank you for giving me some of your precious time!
My name is Mathieu and I am multiple thing:
I am an aerospace engineer working for some big multinational company.
I am a father of a awesomely fantastic little girl.
I am the significant other of a truely marvelous woman.
But I am also a dreamer.
Like most, I dream of a day where I will be free… free from traffic and road blocks, free from the stress of work…
The story begins right after my master. I started looking into how I could fullfill my dream faster. It was during these research that for the first time I came across the concepts of “Financial Freedom” and “Early Retirement”. As I scavenged for more and more information, i got hooked.
That was it! My dream was achievable before getting to the venerable retirement age of 65 (that is, if they do not change it again…). To me it does not make sense to wait until you can’t enjoy life to enjoy it. I wan’t to live this life as early as possible! I wanted my dream to come true ASAP. (To be honest, I have many dreams… maybe too many… but what is a men whitout dreams?)
Let’s be fair, getting to Financial freedom is a journey on its own, and it migth not be an easy one. All the while getting to that point, I have decided to continue to enjoy life and I have decided to write about things I love.
Don’t get me wrong, aerospace is one of my passion! But the ultimate goal is to enjoy a (mostly) stress free life doing what I love with the persons I love the most.
If it’s your first time in the area, please stay with me for a while and explore Food, Money and Home and garden. Who know’s, maybe you will be inspired and you will become a dreamer too!
Feel free to say Hi on social media, if you are connected.
If you want to talk about anything, my contact page is there for you.
Again, thank you for your time!
And don’t forget: Keep the dream alive!