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Ultimate BBQ Dry Rub

Ultimate BBQ dry rub

BBQ Dry Rub. a required addition to any BBQ.  Actually, anyone calling himself a BBQ lover or Grill master should have at least one recipe of Dry Rub.  

As such, BBQ Dry Rub is pretty much always a good addition to any BBQ grilled meat or vegetable.

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Dry Rub? What is it?

A dry rub is a mix of dry spices that is a must have for any BBQer on the planet. And, it is the perfect ingredient when BBQing ribs, meat, fish and even vegetables, yes vegetables.

It is used to spice up the dish, to add an additional layer of flavors to your piece of meat (or veggie), specially if you let it “marinate” overnight.

Also, as the name suggest, a dry rub is composed of “dry” spices.
And, any combination can be used, you really can play with the different flavors as much as you want.

Rub on Ribs

How to use the dry rub

I have several uses for my dry rubs:

  • Rubbing it on a piece of meat before cooking (any cooking method).
  • Let the meat stand, all night if possible, for the spices to flavor the meat.
  • Adding oil and lemon for a quick seafood marinade.
  • Adding oil to season some oven baked fries. Tossing some veggies with dry rub before sending them to the BBQ.
  • Any other application my mind can think off…

As such, you can see that there are no limits to the use of a mix of spices.  And, there is no obligation to keep it only for BBQ meats.

Ultimate BBQ Rub
Prep Time
10 mins
Total Time
10 mins

The ultimate dry spice mix to improve all of your BBQ success!

Cuisine: American
Keyword: BBQ, Dry Rub,, Ribs, Meat, Beef, Veggetable,
Servings: 4 baby back ribs
  • 2 tbsp Paprika (normal or smoked)
  • 2 tbsp Chili Powder
  • 2 tbsp Cumin Powder or Tumeric
  • 1 tbsp Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 tbsp Garlic Powder (not garlic salt!)
  • 1 tbsp Onion Powder (not onion salt!)
  • 1 tbsp Salt
  • 1/2 cup Brown sugar (or Maple sugar)
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.

  2. Keep it in an hermetic box until ready to use.

    Ultimate BBQ Dry Rub
Recipe Notes
Don’t be scared to try to find your own mix. Following are several other spices that could be used, depending on the type of flavor  you wish to obtain: 
  • Cumin
  • Cinnamon
  • Celery seeds
  • Coriander
  • Etc.

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